Day of Giving Toolkit
Go All In For Alfred!
In honor of Founders Day in 1836, we will launch our annual Day of Giving on December 5, 2024. For 1,836 minutes, we invite you to go All In For Alfred!
Your unique voice is important, so spread the word online through your personal social media networks to save the date and participate on December 5. Let your personal connections know you are making a gift, and invite them to join you by making a gift of $18.36 — or more!
Promote Day of Giving on Social Media
- Encourage others to be #AllInForAlfred on December 5 by sharing the graphics below and including this link:
- Let people know why you support AU! For example:
- I’m All In For Alfred because I want to make sure today’s students have the same opportunities I did. Join me! #AllInForAlfred
- Share your personal connection to Alfred and what it means to you.
- Share photos from your time at Alfred.
- Share a story about a person that mentored or inspired you at Alfred — a professor, coach, staff member or friend.
- Post a picture of you in Alfred University gear.
The Day of Giving countdown begins on November 1! Stay tuned for social media posts and make some of your own!
- Use hashtag #AllInForAlfred on your social media posts and make them public.
- Tag your friends, locations, and venues in your posts with @ and their username.
- Share Day of Giving posts you see on Alfred University-owned social media.
- On your personal posts, tag our official accounts so they appear on a Alfred University-owned social feed: